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Montgomery College - Germantown Student Newspaper



Combating Hunger during the 2020-2021 Coronavirus Pandemic

By Yesenia L. Pineda

Montgomery County takes steps to feed its community with the aid of food distribution sites for all members of society. Ranging from all sorts of goods, food donations during the 2020 pandemic have combated hunger all countywide.

Since the beginning of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, food distribution sites have been aiding the Montgomery County community in the form of gathering food for any and all community members.

From packaged goods, canned goods to fresh vegetables and meats, food distributions such as Manna have been aiding those who have been greatly affected by the pandemic and by shortages in local grocery stores to combat hunger all countywide.

While there has been an increase of shortages in certain meat products such as chicken, beef as well as bread, and processed sugars, donation sites have continuously given valued equivalents to these. Not only has the pandemic caused massive shortages of resources ranging from toilet paper, bottled water, meat, and chicken products, but also jobs.

Within 2020 itself, job loss ranged at an all-time high due to many workplaces ceasing function in fear of the massive spread while many shifted into at-home work to maintain personal safety.

“It was a rough transition going from my workplace to home,” said anonymous. “The change itself was one that I hadn’t been used to even finding resources was hard enough with everyone going at each other’s throats for toilet paper or food.”

While many jobs shifted between in-office protocols, many shifted to at-home telework to continue a semi-normal flow within the coronavirus pandemic. However, with certain changes within the workflow, many became laid off as a result of the pandemics’ ongoing spread resulting in a massive shift between working at home versus working on site.

2020 to 2021 not only has the pandemic changed an outlook within working situations and being able to provide an even flow of food to the table with the use of public food pantries. The ability to come back to normality has been greatly achievable with the use of the many COVID vaccination and testing sites as well as food distribution site to combat hunger.

If you or anyone you know is having difficulty with food, here are some websites that not only provide locations of food donations but offer a listing of goods as well:

Note: these sites are subject to changes daily when it comes to providing the last donation listing. 

For Germantown, Rockville, and Takoma Park Pantries plus many others click here: Food Pantries

For local Montgomery County Pantries click here: MCFoodBank

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Combating Hunger during the 2020-2021 Coronavirus Pandemic