Vacuum of space – Highness – vast emptiness, of nothingness
Written by Xavier Serrano
Its grasp tighter than zip ties, her kiss frees me
Plaguing, altering, distorting my senses
I was shot into the cosmos as I
An astronaut with no helmet
Gallivanted alongside lifeless debris
Thoughts with no form of fluidity multiplied
Mary Jane, where do we go next?
She took my hand and brought me to the sun
Blissful orange passion blazed from the center
As the core oozed a honey pigment
Mary’s hands sheltered me like giants leaves
She listens to me when I am depressed
Nothing compares to the sensation of our lips touching
Breathing in your warmth with each kiss
She’s the jealous kind, doesn’t like when we’re apart
I orbit around her, clamped by her gravitational pull
She tells me i’m her favorite
As I glide amongst Saturn’s rings to chase after her
She’s running away, leaping further away as she burns
Taking on the ephemeral form of smoke
Reality seeped in as the pressure of a shooting star imploded in my chest
Jane was gone, one with the stars as she danced amongst the glittery backdrop
The rings of Saturn shrunk to tiny specks as I floated away
Submerging deeper into the emerald abyss
The blaring silence of space pierced my ears
Stars sang quiet tunes as they glistened light years away
Achieving the status of a flying stone, I float endlessly
Ravaging the cold, lifeless vacuum of unwanted solitude
Breaths shortening the deeper I go
I’ll be formless like you, Mary