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Montgomery College - Germantown Student Newspaper



American and Peruvian flags. Vector illustration.

Historias de una Peruana de primera generación

October 9, 2023

escrito por Ashley C Neyra   Cuando alguien me preguntaba de dónde era, siempre decía la misma frase larga. “Mi mamá y mi papá son de Perú, pero yo nací aquí en Maryland”. No fui...

American and Peruvian flags. Vector illustration.

Stories From a First Generation Peruvian

October 9, 2023

Written By Ashley C Neyra   When someone asked me where I was from, I always said the same long statement. “My mom and dad are from Peru, but I was born here in MD.” I wasn’t the first...

The Short Short Avenue Creative Nonfiction Edition: The Pink Pills

February 21, 2023

Written by Alice Phann Spanish is first period, and I need to make my move then. The pink pills are cradled in napkins, tucked like a balled fist in my front pocket, which are so small they might as...

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