Author Aisha Sowe
To speak another language is a privilege.
I understand why Montgomery College offers the majority of their language courses at the Rockville campus. Compared to the other two campuses, Rockville is more humanities based while Germantown and Takoma Park/Silver Spring are more so STEM focused. However, I am an International Studies major and the closet campus to my house is Germantown. Besides my Arabic class, I take all of my other courses at the Germantown campus. It would be beneficial for me, as well as students who take a language at Montgomery College to have each language offered at the Germantown campus. This can allow students to feel more comfortable at the environment that they are in. Especially since Germantown is one of the most diverse cities in US;Language classes can help us to connect to one another more. My main argument in this essay is that Montgomery College should offer all of the language courses on all three of the campuses so that students won’t have to travel between places. Having the option of each language course on all three campuses students will benefit by being able to complete their classes at one campus, complete their language lab hours, and have easy communication with their classmates.
If others agree we can all join and advocate this issue.