Montgomery College - Germantown Student Newspaper





    Written by Bilal Chaudhry


    The month of Ramadan 

    Ramadan is a time where Muslims all around the world fast from sunrise to sunset. It’s a time where patience plays a huge role in the month and to self reflect. This Ramadan is different because it’s my first one being in college. With the studies being difficult, there is always a positive that comes in the end. The rewards you receive from not drinking water or eating food, will benefit the person and help them become a stronger version of themselves. The reason that Muslims fast is to get closer to god and help the unfortunate.

    Ramadan is a month that we spent valuable time  with our love ones and spread kindness around others. At the end of the day, we are all humans that bleed the same blood, breathe the same and make mistakes as we live.


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