Montgomery College - Germantown Student Newspaper



Tired by Felipe Beltran

Written By Felipe Beltran

What is life?

Life is like a game.

Every time you get passed a level in life; life gets harder.

You play this game till you end up in the ground.

So, what is life?

I’m tired of life.

I’m tired of engaging with sin.

I’m tired of committing so many sins.

I’m tired of letting my addictions win.

I’m tired of not being able to win.

I’m tired of being so skinny and thin.

I’m tired of always being so tired.

I’m tired of being a Hispanic immigrant, broke and always poor.

I’m tired of being short, God damn I wish I were like six foot four.

I’m tired of these delusional fucking whores.

I’m tired of working at these fast food or convenience stores.

I’m tired of sleeping on the damn floor.

I’m tired of always getting rejected by damn door.

I’m tired of my mind always being at war.

I’m tired of getting no DM’s.

I’m tired of not driving a BM.

I’m tired of not being able to sleep without acetaminophen PM’s.

I’m tired of wanting to be him.

And I’m tired of people like Tim, who always be showing off his new shoes and new cars with them cool rims.

I’m tired of Tim’s stupid fucking hair trims.

I’m tired of Tim thinking he is the shit, only because he hits the gym and is slim.

I’m tired of driving a Toyota Highlander with zero to no money, while people like Adam Sandler make hell of money.

For doing? Just being funny?

Man, I can be funny for a little extra money.

I’ll tell you a joke, why did the bunny eat the honey? Because he is from Kentucky.

HA, I know I’m unfunny, that’s probably why I have no money.

Fuck money.

I don’t need that much money.

Money is what makes people act funny.

Money is the root of all greed and evil.

Money corrupts the soul

Money will people come around saying they were always down when they never knew you.

Money will make a sweet innocent girl want to be “down.”

Money will make people throw away their morals, just to be able to wear a crown.

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Tired by Felipe Beltran