Montgomery College - Germantown Student Newspaper



A Look Into Student Art: The Kaleidoscope View


Written by Ali Hicks

Art Piece by Lavender Alejandra

Created by Lavender Alejandra and titled “Mother’s Love,” this piece of student art is dedicated to mothers and their children. From a wide range colors, shapes & form, to expression regarding a maternal connection, the theme of love stands through it all.

Formed in the shape and view of a Kaleidoscope, the piece itself shows five mothers and their young children with colors ranging from pink, blue, light orange, green and lavender. While all characters are depicted with pink skin and heart-like shaped faces each and every single one is not the representation of people, rather they are the embodiment of the emotion of love.

Within this piece titled “Mother’s Love” the representation of the mother’s heart stands out as a way to protect her baby while using her hair as a shield to not only cover and protect, but to surround her child with this protective aurora. While the hair acts like a shield, the child itself stares off at it’s mother with wonder through rainbow colored eyes which adds a more emotional connection between the two characters.

As the air around the surrounding characters is filled with a familial sense, the environment itself oozes love that flourishes in the form of blue roses and crystals which acts as a boarder. As a tribute to their own mother, Lavender Alejandra created this piece to show how much she values the bond they share and how much she loves her mother.

Not only is the use of a kaleidoscope a perfect way to highlight the various points of this love fused piece, the formation comes together with the meaning behind the central image itself. While spending six hours getting the effect just right, the piece came together with all the marvelous techniques Alejandra strived and placed her heart into creating a tribute to the piece that emphasizes a mothers love to their children.

Multiskilled with practice with ink painting, watercolors, and experience with acrylics, Alejandra has begun her journey into learning digital art. “I love drawing digitally,” said Lavender. “It offers a different kind of freedom.”

Along with learning different techniques and skills the pursue of expanding into new mediums, Alejandra has recently dived into using Ibis Paint x, which is a drawing app and provides a various brushes to explore. “When I proportion things the wrong way I can easily realign it without erasing everything I’ve done up to that point!” said Lavender.

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A Look Into Student Art: The Kaleidoscope View