(Image courtesy of amny.com)
By Ashley Neyra
September 11, 2021 marks 20 years since the militant terrorist group Al-Qaeda, hijacked four planes and sent out suicide attacks to three different locations in the United States.
At 8:45 am American Airlines Flight 11, hit the north tower of the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan, New York. A short while after at 9:03 am, American Airlines flight 175 hit the south tower. Killing hundreds of people instantly and trapped more people in the upper levels of the buildings making it impossible to get out.
At 9:45 am American Airlines Flight 77, hit the west side of the Pentagon located in Arlington, Virginia. Over 160 people on flight and workers in the Pentagon were killed. News had spread about the attacks to the passengers on United Flight 93. Once passengers noticed the aircraft was not going to the designated location, they decided to take matters into their own hands. A set of passengers attacked the hijackers in order to prevent a larger catastrophe. The plane lost control and flipped, before crashing down near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
It was a horrific morning for the United States. Family members were calling their loved ones for the last time telling them that they loved them and to take care. The whole world watched as they saw people decide whether to stay in the burning building of the World Trade Center or fall to their death. Which out of fear and desperation is what led them to jump out of the 94-story building.
People on the streets of New York City watched the place they called home fall into ashes. Washington D.C was in a panic, as everyone tried to evacuate the area and get home with their families. The metro had completely stopped working and phone calls were not going through. The nation was in complete chaos.
To the victims and first responders, the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and children who lost their lives in this horrible attack. You will never be forgotten. We shall also never forget the innocent Muslims and ethnic minority groups that were targeted years after the attacks, causing an increase in hate crimes nationwide and internationally that unfortunately continue to happen. Thank you to our Montgomery County first responders who help on 9/11 and put your life at risk to save others. Thank you for your dedication and service.