Montgomery College - Germantown Student Newspaper



Let’s Meet at the Taco Truck!


By Ashley Neyra

On October 29th, 2022, Daniel Estrada and Aiden Pettit hosted a car meet at the Taqueria El Jalapeño in the heart of North Bethesda, MD to celebrate the 4-year anniversary of being in business.

“Our friends at La Taqueria el Jalapeño were celebrating their 4th anniversary and since it’s Bethesda we couldn’t necessarily throw them a party. We decided on throwing a car meet where we brought people of the same interests of vars to come out and celebrate with us. Along with being able to try their amazing Mexican food!” said Daniel Estrada

I couldn’t resist the smell coming over from La Taqueria el Jalapeño, so I headed over myself to try these raved talked-about tacos. They were soft on the palate with their juicy meets and freshly cut cilantro and tomatoes that came with the tacos. Not to mention the tortilla themselves were full of flavor!

This was Estrada’s and Aiden Pettit’s first time hosting a car meet and it went extremely well! There were several different varieties of cars as they meet with various types of people from different backgrounds, all with an immense passion for motorized vehicles. They had several types of Mexican foods like tortas, nachos, and quesadillas, which I must go back to try next time!


(All photos are taken by Ashley Neyra.)

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Let’s Meet at the Taco Truck!